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Minecraftle 2024-01-10 2/10


Moritz Schade hat dies geteilt

Umstellung ist abgeschlossen. Alle unseren Nah- und Regionalzüge in #BaWü fahren jetzt mit Strom aus Wind, Wasser und Sonne. Die #Bahn ist damit noch umweltfreundlicher geworden.

Moritz Schade hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Ministerium für Verkehr BW

Das klingt sehr gut, hoffentlich werden bald auch noch die letzten Diesel-Loks für den Personalverkehr abgelößt @kletterli

Moritz Schade hat dies geteilt

Here's how the "Ship of Theseus" page looked in July 2003 when it was first created! Since then, the article has been edited 1792 times. 0% of its original phrases remain.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Monate her)

teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf Wikipedia

Jæja gott fólk, besta færsla allra tíma hefur verið fundin.
Þið megið skrá ykkur út og hættta að skrifa á alla samfélagsmiðlum, keppninni er lokið.

Als Antwort auf Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

i'd say that qualifies as pentest. google's security by obscurity approach to pagerank is starting to severely bite them in the butt
Als Antwort auf Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

imagine having such confidence that you proudly announce you created vast quantities of garbage just so people would look at your site (which is filled with garbage) instead of another site (which presumably has actual information)

Als Antwort auf Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

This may sound dumb but, even though I preordered my Framework 16, my mind didn't registered that the keyboard was modular as in you can replace it by **something else** than a keyboard before this video.
Now I'm really looking forward addons like the tablet, the MIDI keyboard and the DJ decks 👀
Als Antwort auf Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

I still keep my original Surface RT which had a special "music mixing" blade. It was such a killer idea, and I wished other companies had made blades for the surface. Audio recording, video editing, paint/photo editing. SO many applications where a dedicated control surface would come in handy...

#Minecraftle 2023-11-15 6/10






#Minecraftle 2023-11-13 7/10





